The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook (Open Up Study Skills)

该资源由用户: 努力啊大子燊 上传  举报不良内容

How to use this book Getting into it: becoming an active learner Talking to the experts Style matters: techniques to suit your own learning style Taking it in and working it out Research skills and orientations: first steps to good research Getting it on paper: learning the skills of confident academic writing Learning the rules: good grammar, accurate referencing and avoiding plagiarism The time of your life: managing time and living life as a student Doing it with others: Working in groups Doing it in front of a crowd: Making presentations Keeping it together: Looking after your health and managing stress. Facing the future and making decisions: Planning for and focusing on the rest of your life Maths and Numerical competency

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Study Skills Ultimate Handbook Open Up


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The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook (Open Up Study Skills)
