古汉语语法及其发展 Grammar and Development of Ancient Chinese

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low-quality scan of a very long (over 1000 pages) reference grammar of ancient/classical/literary chinese This book is written by Yang Bojun and He Leshi, Linguistic experts in the ancient Chinese language. It is divided into three Parts: Part I, Part II, Part III, and 29 chapters in all. It is about 800,000 Chinese characters. The book is characterized by: 1. giving a more detailed and comprehensive description of the grammar of ancient Chinese than many other books regarding the same subject; 2. investigating and explaining some important grammatical features and regular patterns in the light of their historical development; 3. being readable and easy to understand, so it can be used as a valuable and practical reference book both by shcolars and other readers at home who study ancient Chinese documents or are interested in ancient Chinese, and by Sinologists abroad. The two authors studied and consulted a lot of papers and works of many linguists while writing the book. They absorbed the quintessence from them. Moreover, they put forward many new ideas and views in their own book. Thus, it may be a rather important scientific work for scholars specializing in the grammar of the ancient Chinese language. Perhaps the book will evoke some heated discussions.

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Grammar Development Ancient Chinese 古汉语 语法 及其 发展


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古汉语语法及其发展 Grammar and Development of Ancient Chinese
