Head First iPhone Development: A Learners Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone

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This is an excellent introduction to iPhone development, including Xcode and Objective-C. Like the other "Head First" books, this book takes a step-by-step approach to development, providing lots of examples and samples to help the reader along. The book actually steps the reader through building a couple of sample applications. These applications start our small and simple, but become increasingly more complex as each chapter progresses. By the end of the book, you`ve actually built some pretty sophisticated iPhone applications. You`ll also get experience using a number of built-in iPhone functionality, including the GPS and phone. There are a few things the book doesn`t cover, including using a built-in web browser and the accelerometer. Additionally, if you`re interested in submitting an app to the AppStore, you`ll be on your own, as the book ends right at that point. However, aside from those few issues, this book will put you well on your way to developing iPhone applications. After just a few chapters, I had enough knowledge and experience to develop my own iPhone app. I`d recommend this book as a good introduction to iPhone programming.

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iPhone Head First Development Learners Guide Creating Objective Applications


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Head First iPhone Development: A Learners Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone
