Marine geography- GIS for the oceans and seas

该资源由用户: 心意宛筠 上传  举报不良内容

Designed for both experienced marine cartographers and less technically oriented conservationists, this wide-ranging collection of case studies shows how geographic information system (GIS) software is helping scientists study the world`s oceans and seas, map various areas of interest, and help preserve marine ecosystems and habitats. This work highlights how geography, maps, and data analysis serve conservation efforts at a time when the world`s oceans and seas are increasingly threatened by environmental perils. Also explained is how current theories in marine biology, geology, and conservation-incorporated as they are into GIS-based research systems-are having impacts on marine policies and coastal populations. For experienced marine cartographers or others with a technical background in this field, the book provides specific descriptions of GIS software applications and includes an extensive list and network of author contact information.

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Marine geography GIS oceans seas


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Marine geography- GIS for the oceans and seas
