Ideology-Driven Public Opinion Formation in Europe: The Case of Third Sector Attitudes in Sweden

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This paper uses attitudes towards the third sector in Sweden to test general assumptions about how citizens in West European political systems apply ideological schemes as shortcuts to political preferences. Attitudes towards the third sector are found to be affected by all ideological schemas reflected in the Swedish party system (state-market. Christian traditionalism, and growth-ecology). Contrary to what is implied by findings from America, these effects are very stable across socio-economic groups (especially those of the dominant state-market schema). Similarly, no interaction effects of political sophistication could be traced, and the relative impact of the schemas remains the same regardless of whether or not the third sector is presented as an alternative to the welfare state. The implications of these findings for the nature of public opinion formation in ideologically clear and structured political systems are discussed.

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Ideology Driven Public Opinion Formation Europe Case Third Sector Attitudes


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Ideology-Driven Public Opinion Formation in Europe: The Case of Third Sector Attitudes in Sweden
