The Basics of Item Response Theory

该资源由用户: 留云昭昭 上传  举报不良内容

This book was previously published by Heinemann, ISBN 0-435-080040). From Publisher`s Note: "When Frank Baker wrote his classic `The Basics of Item Response Theory` in 1985, the field of educational assessment was dominated by classical test theory based on test scores. Item response theory was an upstart whose popular acceptance lagged in part because the underlying statistical calculations were quite complex.... Much has changed since 1985. IRT now powers the work of major U.S. test publishers and is used as the basis for developing the National Assessment of educational Progress, as well as numerous state and local tests. Given its widespread acceptance, test administrators need a basic understanding of the IRT model, which this simple, well-written gem provides. We`re pleased to bring it back into the public eye. "The text itself required very little updating; however, we`ve appended an extensive annotated list of recommended readings and Web resources. We`ve also updated Baker`s software for the Internet [web address provided in book] to provide a new generation of readers with an interactive opportunity to explore the theory."

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Basics Item Response Theory


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The Basics of Item Response Theory
