TypeScript: JavaScript Development Guide

该资源由用户: 坠星德宇 上传  举报不良内容

This book is an exploration of TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript. The first part of the book explains to you what TypeScript is and what it is used for. You will also learn how it is related to JavaScript. The book also guides you on how to install TypeScript on Windows and on other platforms. Type annotations, which are very good in defining how the program is indented, are discussed, and thus, you will learn how to work with them. Interfaces, which are good and compatible with most objects, are discussed in detail. Understanding the scope of objects such as “this” is very difficult. This book examines arrow functions which are a good mechanism to help you understand the scope of this keyword. Expressions are also used widely in TypeScript, and these have been explored in detail. Classes which are very important in object-oriented programming and for creation of large apps are also covered, along with features such as inheritance which are associated with classes; Iterators have also been explored in detail. The “for…of” loop is widely used in TypeScript. This is discussed in this book, along with how to implement it. The spread operator, which is used for the purpose of spreading the elements of an array, is also examined. The following topics are discussed in this book: A Brief Overview of TypeScript Installing TypeScript Type Annotations Interfaces Arrow Function Expressions Classes Destructuring for…of Iterators Template Strings Spread Operator Enums let

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TypeScript JavaScript Development Guide


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TypeScript: JavaScript Development Guide
