Linux: 3 books in 1 : Linux for Beginners + Linux Command Lines and Shell Scripting + Linux Security and Administration

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This is a compilation of 3 books: Linux for Beginners Linux Command Lines and Shell Scripting Linux Security and Administration Have you always used the Windows operating system and want a change? Have you heard the term Linux before and wondered what it is? Have you ever feared implementing Linux as an operating system just because it`s free? Do you also have a misconception that free software is never really what it`s cracked up to be? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, then you`ve come to the right place. This book will answer everything you want to know about Linux, and make you wonder why you haven`t made the change already. When you search for a book on Linux programming, you are aiming to get the best deal. In a technological world that is progressing quickly, you need to understand Linux. The question is whether you can carve out enough time to read lengthy books on Linux that are filled to the brim with a lot of unnecessary details and jargon and take a great a deal of time to read and understand. You need a book that is clear, concise, and easy to digest, and now you have one! Imagine having a book that you can finish on a two hours flight. That`s a promise! This book guarantees to save you time and is written clearly and concisely. You will find Linux commands and brief explanations that are easy to digest and you`ll be able to practice them on the go. In this book, you will: Learn the history of Linux and the Ubuntu distribution of Linux Be able to easily follow the steps you need to download and install Ubuntu Linux Discover the many features and applications of Ubuntu Linux Gain a deep knowledge of the Linux command line Investigate Shell Scripting in Linux See examples of the Linux Boot process A detailed overview of the origins of the Linux operating system How to install the Linux operating system Linux commands and shell scripting File navigation commands Directory navigation commands Keyboard tricks and shortcuts Completion commands and how to search the history An overview of the most prominent Linux editors The most important commands to operate editors like a pro Linux shell scripting techniques, including if-then statements, the for loops, the while loops, and the until command. Lots of basic shell script examples An A to Z table filled with useful Linux commands, with syntax and a description. Installing Linux on your system and accessing it using a virtual machine Secure user accounts using passwords and ACLs Secure the server using a firewall and other methods Learn to decrypt and encrypt data sent over the network Explore various methods to prevent hackers from accessing information in your system Perform tests to identify any vulnerabilities in the network and server, and more! This book has been written so that you can learn Linux from the fundamental level. With each chapter, you will fall in love with Linux and transition smoothly over from Windows or macOS. The book includes code snippets with images to give you a practical experience of Linux as you progress with each chapter. So, what are you waiting for? If you are eager to learn more about Linux, grab a copy of this book today!

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Linux books Beginners Command Lines Shell Scripting Security Administration


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Linux: 3 books in 1 : Linux for Beginners + Linux Command Lines and Shell Scripting + Linux Security and Administration
