LPI Linux certification in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference

该资源由用户: 泽恩大叔 上传  举报不良内容

Companies ranging from IBM to Novell are dramatically expanding Linux training and development. Certification will be a key part of this trend, and support is growing for an industry-wide Linux certification program. Most companies want a vendor-neutral certification initiative, and the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the leading effort in this direction. As more corporations adopt Linux as the networking backbone for their IT systems, the demand for certified technicians will become even greater.LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell prepares system administrators for the basic LPI General Linux 101 exam and the more advanced 102 exam, and includes information on objectives and test suggestions. It also provides readers who aren`t planning to take the exam with an excellent understanding of the targeted Linux concepts and functions.The book is divided into two parts, one for each of the LPI exams. Each part features a summary of the exam, a Highlighter`s Index, labs, suggested exercises, and practice exams to help you pass the LPI exams with flying colors.Part I covers the General Linux 101 Exam:GNU and Unix commandsDevices, Linux filesystems, and the filesystem hierarchy standardBoot, initialization, shutdown and run levelsDocumentationAdministrative tasksPart II covers the General Linux 102 Exam:Linux installation and package managementThe Linux kernelText editing, processing, and printingShells, scripting, programming, and compilingX-WindowsNetworking fundamentalsNetwork servicesSecurityFor those preparing to take the LPI Linux Certification Exams, this book will prove to be invaluable in its scope and breadth. Linux newbies will also find this book useful for learning more about how to use their Linux system.Jeffrey Dean is a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) with professional experience in IT management and training delivery.

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LPI Linux certification nutshell desktop quick reference


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LPI Linux certification in a nutshell : a desktop quick reference
