Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Elementary

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This addition to the best-selling English Vocabulary in Use range provides 60 vocabulary tests based on English Vocabulary in Use elementary. It is a very convenient revision aid which builds confidence in using vocabulary. There is a simple scoring system on each page which helps students to measure their progress. The user-friendly answer key also includes phonemic versions of words which are difficult to pronounce. The book uses a wide range of testing techniques including: matching, labelling, recognising errors, word-building, forming word partnerships, word puzzles, ranking items, unscrambling and many more. This flexible material can either be used by learners familiar with English Vocabulary in Use or as a stand-alone for students interested in testing their vocabulary. The book is designed for self-study but can also be used in class.

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Test Your English Vocabulary Use Elementary


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Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Elementary
