PWN is back, and better than ever. The PWN the SAT Math Guide was created to help ambitious, highly motivated kids maximize their SAT math scores. Do you crave a higher score? Are you willing to do a little hard work to achieve it? Good. I knew I liked you. Read this book from beginning to end, with a pencil in hand and a calculator and an Official SAT Study Guide by your side. When you’re done, you’ll be able to approach the SAT with confidence—very few questions will surprise you, and even fewer will be able to withstand your withering attacks. Stand tall, intrepid student. Destiny awaits. Updated for the New SAT This new edition of the Math Guide has been updated, rather painstakingly, to reflect the realities of the new SAT coming March 2016. This book was not rushed to market to take advantage of interest in the new exam. I took my time, and hopefully I got it right. Chapters are broken into five major sections: Techniques, Heart of Algebra, Passport to Advanced Math, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Additional Topics in Math. Each chapter concludes with a reference list of similar questions from official practice tests. Practice questions are designated as either “Calculator” or “No calculator.” Students will be forbidden from using their calculators for one whole section of the new SAT. Emphasis is placed on nimbleness—the ability to approach problems in multiple ways to find the one that works best. Calculator solutions and shortcuts are provided where appropriate. Join me online Readers of this book are encouraged to register as Math Guide Owners at the PWN the SAT website. There will be video solutions and other bonus content there. Signing up there will also give me a way to get in touch with you if I make book updates. See details at
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