Make You Mine

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In the Nine Circles Club, one lucky man gets more than his share of money, power, and women, until he meets a beautiful opponent who plays in the name of love…in Make You Mine by Jackie Ashenden.He`s raising the stakes.International playboy Alex St. James always plays to win. Whether it`s betting on a high-stakes card game--or bedding a high-class socialite--the gorgeous world-class gambler knows how to beat the odds using his brains, his body, and a whole lot of charm. But there`s one woman who`s immune to Alex`s bag of tricks--which makes her the perfect challenge…and the ultimate prize.She`s going all in.Once a special operative in her native Russia, Katya Ivanov knows what kind of man Alex is. As his personal bodyguard, she`s seen him seduce the richest women, place the riskiest bets, and break the hardest players. But to even a score from her past, she`s willing to take a gamble on her reckless boss. Even if she has to pretend to be his lover. Even if he drives her mad with desire. And then she never wants this dangerous game to end…

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Make Mine


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Make You Mine
