Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart guide

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Continuous delivery and DevOps explained Overview Real world and realistic examples of how to go about implementing continuous delivery and DevOps Learn how continuous delivery and DevOps work together with other agile tools. An honest and open guide to consistently shipping quality software quickly. In Detail For a while now, there has been a buzz around the IT industry regarding continuous delivery and DevOps. This book will provide you with some background information into these two new kids on the block and how they can help you to optimize, streamline and improve the way you work and ultimately how you ship quality software. "Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart guide" will provide you with a clear and concise insight into what continuous delivery and DevOps are all about, how to go about preparing for and implementing them and what quantifiable business value they bring. Included within are some tricks and trips based upon real world experiences which may help you reduce the time and effort needed if you were to go it alone. In this book, you will be taken through a journey of discovery starting with real world successes, how you should prepare, plan for and implement CD and DevOps and what the pitfalls are along the way. We will start looking at the evolution of a typical software house from fledgling start-up through the growing pains that comes with global success to a best of both worlds. We’ll delve into the many aspects of what they did to complete this evolution covering topics such as how they realized there was a problem to solve, how they set about preparing for and implementing continuous delivery and DevOps and what tools, techniques and approaches they used along the way – some technical and some not so. If you work within an organization that delivers software, you will be able to plot where you are on the evolutionary scale, understand where you need to do to be more effective, cherry pick the tools, techniques and approaches that work for you and realize the best of both worlds. "Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart guide" will provide you with the background and information you need to realize the benefits within your own business What you will learn from this book Determine the problems and pain points within a product delivery process Tools and techniques to understand the root causes of the problems and pain points within a software delivery process Define and measure the success of implementing Devops and continuous delivery Understand the human elements to continuous delivery and DevOps and how important they are Avoid the traps, pitfalls and hurdles you’ll experience as you implement continuous delivery and DevOps Monitor and communicate the relative success of DevOps and continuous deliver adoption Approach This book is both a practical and theoretical guide detailing how to implement continuous delivery and Devops to consistently ship quality software quickly. Who this book is written for Whether you are a freelance software developer, a system administrator working within a corporate business, an IT project manager or a CTO in a startup you will have a common problem; regularly shipping quality software is painful. It needn`t be. This book is for anyone who wants to understand how to ship quality software regularly without the pain.

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Continuous Delivery DevOps Quickstart guide


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Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart guide
