Levend Nederlands: Een cursus Nederlands voor Buitenlanders

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Trim J. L. M. , Matter J. F. , King P. Levend Nederlands: Een cursus Nederlands voor Buitenlanders. Cambridge University Press, 1992. - 240p.This course is intended to provide practice in the understanding, production and use of educated colloquial Dutch.Dutch is the only language used in the course, which has been planned to make it unnecessary for you to use your native language at any point. This guide is intended to suggest how the individual student should make use of the course material.The course builds up progressively. You are advised to keep, in general, to the order of the material as given and to follow the procedure suggested in this guide. Nevertheless individuals vary considerably in their learning styles and habits, and may find a different order which suits them better. Although the Grammar section has been placed at the end of each lesson, it is expected that the student may want to consult it earlier from time to time in the course of the lesson. The course consists of 24 lessons: Lesson 1: Phonetics and spelling.Lessons 2-24: Dialogue.Supplementary phonetics and spelling.Dialogue summary.Exercises.Exploitation material.Grammar.

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Nederlands Levend Een cursus voor Buitenlanders


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Levend Nederlands: Een cursus Nederlands voor Buitenlanders
