Exercise Physiology: Kinanthropometry and Exercise physiology Laboratory Manual: Volume Two, 2nd Edition

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This is the second edition of the highly successful Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. Developed as a key resource for lecturers and students of kinanthropometry, sports science, human movement and exercise physiology, this edition is thoroughly revise and completely up-to-date. Now divided into two volumes - Anthropometry and Exercise Physiology - this manual provides:help in planning and conduct of practical sessionscomprehensive theoretical background on each topic, and up-to-date information so that there is no need for additional readingseven entirely new chapters providing a balance between kinanthropometry and physiologyeleven self-standing chapters in each volume enabling the reader to pick out topics of interest in any order a wide range of supporting diagrams, photographs and tables.Volume One: Anthropometry covers body composition, proportion, size, growth and somatotype and their relationship with health performance; methods for evaluating posture and range of motion; assessment of physical activity and energy balance with particular reference to the assessment of performance in children; the relationship between anthropometry and body image; statistics and scaling methods in kinanthropometry and exercise physiology. Volume Two: Exercise Physiology covers the assessment of muscle function including aspects of neuromuscular control and electromyography; the oxygen transport system and exercise including haemotology, lung and cardiovascular function; assessment of metabolic rate, energy and efficiency including thermoregualtion; and assessment of maximal and sub-maximal energy expenditure and control, including the use of heart rate, blood lactate and perceived exertion. An entire one-stop resource, these volumes present laboratory procedures next to real-life practical examples, each supported with appropriate data. In addition, each chapter is supplemented by a complete review of contemporary literature, as well as theoretical overviews, offering an excellent basic introduction to each topic.

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Exercise Physiology Kinanthropometry physiology Laboratory Manual Volume Two 2nd Edition


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Exercise Physiology: Kinanthropometry and Exercise physiology Laboratory Manual: Volume Two, 2nd Edition
