Recovered, Not Cured: A Journey Through Schizophrenia

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This very personal exploration of schizophrenia explores each stage, from the early signs and reactions from friends and family to seeking help and the challenges of recovery. McLean bravely shares his paranoid delusions and offers both a verbal and a visual experience by including digital artwork he created to help objectify and control his impulses and fears. As McLean relates his experiences step by step, issues of sexuality, identity, and drug abuse are discussed, along with the overarching issues relating to mental health and the medical profession. Messages from online posters who either have suffered from mental illness or have cared for the mentally ill are included throughout, adding more perspectives to the author`s personal experiences. This powerful combination of words and pictures provides a unique and poignant insight into a hidden, internal world.

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Recovered Cured Journey Through Schizophrenia


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Recovered, Not Cured: A Journey Through Schizophrenia
