Emergency Department Resuscitation Of The Critically Ill

该资源由用户: 火焰洪波 上传  举报不良内容

"For those of us who want to ensure that we are up to date to guarantee clinical confidence, this book fills that need." —Stephen C. Morris, Annals of Emergency Medicine A CRASH COURSE IN CRITICAL CARE! STABILIZE, TREAT, AND SAVE YOUR SICKEST PATIENTS IN THE ED OR THE FIELD – WITH ACEP’S ULTIMATE RESUSCITATION GUIDE. PACKED WITH SUCCINCT EVIDENCE-BASED CHAPTERS WRITTEN BY THE NATION`S FOREMOST AUTHORITIES. With an in-depth and up-to-date description of the unique presentation, differential diagnosis, and management of specific critical illness, this second edition emphasizes on ECMO, sepsis, neuro, critical care, pulmonary hypertension, crashing obese patient, and neonatal. Readers will also see the addition of many new flow diagrams and diagnostic and treatment algorithms. The ability to manage critically ill patients is perhaps the defining skill of emergency physicians. Whether performing rapid sequence intubation, initiating and adjusting mechanical ventilation, titrating vasoactive medications, administering intravenous fluids, or initiating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, emergency clinicians must be at their best in these high-octane scenarios, during which lives can be saved—or lost. Emergency Department Resuscitation of the critically Ill focuses on caring for the sickest of the sick: the unstable patient with undifferentiated shock; the crashing ventilated patient; the decompensating patient with pulmonary hypertension or septic shock; the crashing obese patient; or the hypotensive patient with a left ventricular assist device. You`ll also find imperative information about managing pediatric and neonatal resuscitation, intracerebral hemorrhage, and the difficult emergency delivery. What physiological possibilities must you consider immediately? What steps should you take now to save the patient`s life? The country`s foremost emergency medicine experts tell you everything you need to know to deliver rapid, efficient, and appropriate critical care. Quite simply, this book will help you SAVE lives. What’s in it? Undifferentiated Shock The Difficult Airway The Crashing Ventilated Patient Fluid Management Cardiac Arrest Updates Postcardiac Arrest Management Deadly Arrhythmias Cardiogenic Shock Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cardiac Tamponade Aortic Catastrophes Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock The Crashing Morbidly Obese Patient Pulmonary Hypertension Left Ventricular Assist Devices The Critically Ill Poisoned Patient The Crashing Trauma Patient Emergency Transfusions Intracerebral Hemorrhage Subarachnoid Hemorrhage The Crashing Anaphylaxis Patient Bedside Ultrasonography The Difficult Emergency Delivery Neonatal Resuscitation Pediatric Resuscitation

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Emergency Department Resuscitation Critically Ill


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Emergency Department Resuscitation Of The Critically Ill
