Brain The Complete Mind How It Develops, How It Works, and How to Keep It Sharp Hardcover

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National Geographic, 2009 — 352 p.Did you know that listening to music tunes up your brain? Or that certain foods can help maintain mental fitness? Or that exercise can keep both body and mind in good shape? Delving into the science behind these strategies, Brain goes even deeper to reveal the brain’s inner workings.Overseen by distinguished neuropsychiatrist Dr. Richard Restak, Brainis both a practical owner’s manual and a complete guide to the brain’s development and function. Its pages explore not only the brain’s physical form—its 100 billion nerve cells and near-infinite network of synapses—but also its interactions that regulate every thought and action. Brainfeatures the latest discoveries about improving and optimizing mental acuity right alongside sidebars on breakthrough moments in neuroscience. Explained here also are the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of the brain, addressed in accessible, engaging language.Combining the latest advances in our understanding of the mind-body connection and ongoing research into such diseases as dementia, depression, and PTSD, Brainis an indispensable guide to mens sana in corpore sano—at every stage of life.

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How Brain Complete Mind Develops Works Keep Sharp Hardcover


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Brain The Complete Mind How It Develops, How It Works, and How to Keep It Sharp Hardcover
