The 10-Step Method of Stress Relief: Decoding the Meaning and Significance of Stress

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A study conducted at Brandeis University estimates that the total economic cost of smoking, drinking, and drug use was a ``staggering`` $238 billion in 1990 alone. With the huge medical cost attributable to stress related illnesses and the complications of HMO bureaucracy, there is a move toward scientifically sound self-help programs for alleviating stress.The 10-Step Method of Stress Relief: Decoding the Meaning and Significance of Stress is a revolutionary approach to stress management. It presents simple, self-help guidelines that help you efficiently relieve stress. This self-paced book instructs you on the effective ways of finding the causes of stress, learning its meaning, and interpreting its messages and significance. The methods defined show you how to reduce stress by increasing alertness and perception. The book explains the difference between physical danger and concept danger and its crucial implications for stress relief. The percept method of stress relief teaches individuals to decode the message stress wants to deliver without using psychologically avoidant modalities or suppressive substances such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and food. As the message is received by the cerebral cortex and understood, the noxious symptoms begin to mitigate naturally.The 10-Step Method of Stress Relief can also help alleviate personal stress by teaching the perceptual/informational/protective function of stress, and how to use Emotional Literacy to find the stressor, understand the meaning and significance of that stressor, and recognize the stress feeling evoked by that stressor. This is not just another book on stress, but it is a new system, a new approach that can revolutionize stress management and self-help programs by introducing a new way to view stress. The 10-Step Method of Stress Relief: Decoding the Meaning and Significance of Stress is a tremendously valuable resource for individuals who want to learn how to reduce and cope with the stress in their lives.

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Stress 10 Step Method Relief Decoding Meaning Significance


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The 10-Step Method of Stress Relief: Decoding the Meaning and Significance of Stress
