MST209 - Mathmatical Methods and Models - Block 1

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This block contains Units 1-4Unit 1 Getting StartedThis unit focuses mainly on mathematical techniques, but also covers some examples involving skills in the application of mathematics.Unit 2 First-order Differential EquationsThis unit considers in detail how a differential equation arises in a mathematical model with basic definitions and terminology associated with differential equations and their solutions.Unit 3 Second-order Differential EquationsThis unit considers second-order differential equations, that is, differential equations that involve a second (but no higher) derivative. Unit 4 Vector AlgebraWe often need to represent physical quantities such as mass, force, velocity, acceleration, time, etc., mathematically. Most of the physical quantities that we need can be classified into two types: scalars and vectors. This unit defines a vector and discusses ways of representing vectors in two and three (or more) dimensions. Also considered are ways of operating on and combining vectors - that is, they provide the fundamentals of vector algebra.

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MST209 Mathmatical Methods Models Block


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MST209 - Mathmatical Methods and Models - Block 1
