该资源由用户: 寄柳mm丶 上传  举报不良内容

I found this book to be a great introduction to BGP, as well as getting into intermediate and a few more advanced topics. Though top network engineers for very large ISPs will need more in depth information in some areas, the information provided here is adequate for the majority of us who want to multi-home. The book is very Cisco-focused, as the author states (paraphrasing) he doesn`t want to turn the book into a discussion of the nuances of various BGP implementations. You can easily take the knowledge learned here and apply it to other software though, this book was very helpful for me using OpenBSD`s openbgpd. One of the things I like about the book is it mostly skips the fluff too often found in similar books. If you don`t have a fundamental understanding of networking, you have no hope for configuring BGP, and need to seek other resources to first gain the requisite foundational networking knowledge. These don`t have a place in a book focused on BGP. The book mostly doesn`t try to introduce you to these topics, though I question the inclusion of a 6 page appendix on "Cisco Configuration Basics". It`s too brief to be of any use to someone who doesn`t know those things, and you don`t have any business configuring BGP on a Cisco router if you don`t already have a strong grasp of everything in that appendix before you even open this book. The book is well done, and I recommend it for anyone looking to learn BGP. Just get your foundational networking knowledge elsewhere first. BGP isn`t a topic for beginners, and that rightly isn`t the book`s focus.

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