Getting Started with Android Studio

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An introduction to Android Studio, the new development environment for Android app development.The book gives an overview of the new features and capabilities.It starts with installing and configuring Android Studio.Youre getting to know the new IDE and his Editor.You learn how to create new Android projects from scratch, import projects of different kind like an old Eclipse Android App or projects from GitHub.The book covers also a quick start into the Gradle build system with several real world examples.Furthermore, youre going to sign, build and run apps and prepare them for the Android Market:- Screenshots- Signing with the Signing Wizard- Signing a Release apk using GradleCreate and run Test projects in Android Studio.Therere several examples about dependencies and libraries (ActionBar Sherlock, Admob Ads, Google Play SDK, Google Maps v2 Api)Set up a local Maven repositories and build .aar libraries.Learn about Product Flavors - Build Types - Build Variants and build different APKs from the same project (includes an example with 2 Flavors).Game Development with AndEngine and libGDXIntegration of javascript games in Android Studio Projects [LIME GameEngine]Developing for Google TV** NEW Android Code Templates:- What are Android Code Templates- Where are the ADT Templates located- Making Custom Code TemplatesFor the book are several complete and runnable Android Project Examples available for download (Source Code).

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Getting Started Android Studio


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Getting Started with Android Studio
