TCP-IP architecture, design and implementation in Linux

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The only single-source reference on the concept and implementation of TCP/IP in Linux As open source software becomes a trusted part of business and research systems, it`s no wonder that a combination of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and the Linux operating system is becoming more common. TCP/IP`s prevalence allows easy communication among computers using various operating systems, whether Windows, Mac OS, Linux, or Unix. And Linux—because it is open source and thus modifiable—has become a frequent choice for developers who want a customizable operating system on which to build their applications. This book describes the design and implementation of TCP/IP in Linux, from simple client-server applications to more complex executions. Topical coverage includes: • Basic socket concepts and implementations • The Linux implementation of network packets • TCP read/write • TCP algorithms for data transmission and co gestion control • TCP timers • IP layer and routing tables implementation • IP forwarding and quality of service implementation • Netfilter hooks for the stacks • Network Soft IRQ • How to debug a TCP/IP stack All topics are discussed in a concise, step-by-step manner and the book is complemented with helpful illustrations to give readers a better understanding of the subject. TCP/IP Architecture, Design, and Implementation in Linux is an indispensable resource for embedded-network product developers, network security product developers, IT network architects, researchers, and graduate students.

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TCP IP architecture design implementation Linux


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TCP-IP architecture, design and implementation in Linux
