¡Hola Amigos!, 7th Edition

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This highly accessible, manageable program is user-friendly for instructors, teaching assistants, and students. Known for its succinct and precise grammar explanations, its presentation of high-frequency and practical vocabulary, and overall flexibility, Hola, amigos! continues to maintain its appeal with instructors regardless of their preferred methodology. The program is designed to develop students` ability to communicate effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations as well as to strengthen cultural awareness and competence. It offers a full scope and sequence, yet is brief enough to be used effectively for a two-semester course. The Seventh Edition features all-new art and video programs as well as enhanced integration and presentation of culture. All components are fully integrated with the flexibility to accommodate a range of scheduling factors, contact hours, course objectives, and ability levels.

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Hola Amigos 7th Edition


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¡Hola Amigos!, 7th Edition
