BEFORE you schedule your next doctor visit..... The amount of deaths per year (average estimate) •12,000 -- unnecessary surgery •7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals •20,000 -- other errors in hospitals •80,000 -- infections in hospitals •106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs This totals 225,000 deaths per year by the hands of doctors, nurses, surgeons and pharmacists. This ASTRONOMICAL number is in comparison to the 30,000 deaths per year due to GUN violence. Which is to say that you are 64 times more likely to be killed by your doctor than somebody with a gun. Allow me to clarify how CRAZY that is. Doctors kill more people per year than the Mob, Murderers, Police, FBI, CIA, Gangs, Drug Dealers and anyone else with a gun COMBINED! ALSO....... in regards to pharmaceutical drugs you may want to know that the word Pharmacy stems from the greek word Pharmakeia. - pharmakeia (noun): Sorcery, witchcraft, magic - pharmakeus (noun): Sorcerer, magician, poison mixer - pharmakon (noun): Witchcraft, sorcery, magic potion, drug - pharmakos (noun): Sorcerer, magician, poisoner Includes template for Certificate of Live Birth form for the REFUSAL TO PERMIT/CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT and AFFIDAVIT OF VACCINATION REFUSALAs well as useful resources to help you protect yourself from pharmakeiaNEW List of Vaccine Friendly Doctors State By State by_state American Holistic Medical Association 703-556-9245 Holistic Pediatric Association 707-237-5312 Holistic Moms Network click on "chapters` in the column on the right of the page, ask if they know someone Alternative Health Physicians Please see also our links and information in Vaccine Damage: What can I Do? on our site. This page includes `Reversing Autism`, information on books, etc. Pages of links: Naturopathic and Alternative Medicine Search for practitioners. Alternative_Medicine: page of links ACAM American College for Advancement in Medicine The voice of Integrative Medicine Another good search engine: Find a Naturopathic Physician search engine. search for Homeopathic Physicians. Search the NCH Directory ( How to Find a Homeopath To find a Homeopathic Practitioner in your area, contact: Homeopathic Educational Service Berkeley, CA (415) 649-0294 International Foundation for Homeopathy Seattle, WA (206) 324-8230 National Center for Homeopathy Washington, DC (202) 223-6182 Links to several search engines for Alternative Natural Medicine Practioners Doctors by specility search engine for Alternative Natural Medicine Practitioners by category NAET - Allergies and other unsolved health peoblems, "Find A Practitoner" link menu on Left Alternative Views on Health, Zeus Information Service in the U.K. Reversing Vaccine Damage A page of names of individuals and organizations that may be able to provide remedies for people suffering from vaccine damage. Homeopathy, nutritional supplements and other alternative treatment methods are listed.
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