The Writers Digest flip dictionary

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You know what you want to say but can`t think of the word. You can describe what you`re thinking but you don`t know the name for it. Perhaps you have a general word in mind but you need a more specific term. The Writer`s Digest Flip Dictionary solves these common problems! Best-selling author Barbara Ann Kipfer has crated a huge reference that offers cues and clue words to lead writers to the exact phrase or specific term they need. It goes beyond the standard reverse dictionary format to offer dozens of charts and tables, listing groups by subject (such as automobiles, clothing types, plants, tools, etc.) Writers of fiction and nonfiction will use it to find that elusive word they need, and word lovers will find it an entertaining book to simply sit and browse through. Crossword puzzlers will also find it invaluable. In all, this indispensable desk reference is as necessary as a dictionary or thesaurus - but a lot more fun.

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Writers Digest flip dictionary


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The Writers Digest flip dictionary
