Les automitrailleuses de reconnaissance. 1, LAMR Renault modèle 1933 type VM : ses précurseurs, ses concurrentes et ses dérivés

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At the outbreak of WWII, the French cavalry comprised a wide number of AFVs that will be ``the first and the last to fight``, according to the great traditions of this branch of service. In this first volume, the emphasis is put on the Renault VM model 1933 light cavalry tank which had received the official and rather confusing name of ``automitrailleuse de reconnaissance`` (AMR), i.e. recce armoured car. In fact, it was a proper tank, although very light and ill-armed (a single 7,5 mm machine-gun), but fast and agile, as should be any cavalry combat vehicle. The AMRs fought gallantly in May 1940

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ses de Les automitrailleuses reconnaissance LAMR Renault mode le 1933


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Les automitrailleuses de reconnaissance. 1, LAMR Renault modèle 1933 type VM : ses précurseurs, ses concurrentes et ses dérivés
