Mastering the Game of Thrones: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Fire and Ice: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Ice and Fire

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Game of Thrones is a worldwide phenomenon, and the world of Westeros has seen multiple adaptations, from HBO`s acclaimed television series to graphic novels, console games and orchestral soundtracks. This collection of new essays investigates what makes this world so popular, and why Game of Thrones is currently being taught in university classrooms as a genre-defining series within the American fantasy tradition. These essays represent the first sustained scholarly treatment of George R.R. Martin`s groundbreaking work, and includes writing by experts involved in the production of the show. The contributors investigate a number of compelling areas, including the mystery of the shape-shifting wargs, the conflict between religions, the origins of the Dothraki language and the sex lives of knights. The significance of fan cultures and their adaptations is also discussed.

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Essays George Martins Song Fire Ice Mastering Game Thrones


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Mastering the Game of Thrones: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Fire and Ice: Essays on George R.R. Martins a Song of Ice and Fire
