The Engineer’s Project Delivery Method Primer: Uniform Definitions and Case Studies

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Public and private sector owners have a wide variety of options when it comes to delivering their capital projects. Selecting the right delivery method for a particular project requires the owner to not only have a deep understanding of the attributes of available delivery methods but also the procurement and contracting approaches that best work with those methods. The Engineer’s Project Delivery Method Primer: Uniform Definitions and Case Studies brings clarity to the definitions and sometimes complex and conflicting terminology associated with project delivery methods. It does this by providing a comprehensive explanation of each delivery method, includingThe "Big Three" delivery methods – Design-Bid-Build, Construction Manager-at-Risk, and Design-Build; Variations on the "Big Three," such as multiple prime contracting, EPC, and EPCm; Public-Private Partnerships; Integrated Project Delivery; and Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contracts. In addition to providing a detailed discussion of the attributes of and case studies for each delivery method, readers will learn aboutProcurement and contracting approaches commonly used for the method, Roles, responsibilities, and contractual relationships among the participants involved in the method, and Legal principles affecting the method.This book gives owners and practitioners what they need to understand capital project delivery, procurement, and contracting.

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Engineer Project Delivery Method Primer Uniform Definitions Case Studies


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The Engineer’s Project Delivery Method Primer: Uniform Definitions and Case Studies
