Oral Performance, Popular Tradition, and Hidden Transcript in Q (Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies)
Readings for the Financial Risk Manager PRMIA FRM
Selected readings in mammalogy: Selected from the original literature and introduced with comments (Monograph Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas)
The vengeance of Noel Brassard;: A tale of the Acadian expulsion
a history of english-canadian literature to the confederation
Master the TOEFL Reading Skills (Petersons Master the TOEFL Reading Skills)
End Points for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste in Russia and the United States
Blast effects on buildings: design of buildings to optimize resistance to blast loading
An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation
High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids IV: Response of Highly Porous Solids to Shock Loading
Art and autoradiography: Insights into the genesis of paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, and Vermeer
The Art and Science of Hand Reading: Classical Methods for Self-Discovery Through Palmistry
Data Mashup with Microsoft Excel Using Power Query and M: Finding, Transforming, and Loading Data from External Sources
The Unsexed Mind and Psychological Androgyny, 1790-1848: Radicalism, Reform and Gender in England
Manual for first responders to a radiological emergency
OpenGL Shading Language
The Politics of Procrustes: Contradictions of Enforced Equality
The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures