ARM Cortex M4 cookbook : over 50 hands-on recipes that will help you develop amazing real-time applications using GPIO, RS232, ADC, DAC, timers, audio codecs, graphics LCD, and a touch screen
The Psychopharmacology of Schizophrenia (Hodder Arnold Publication)
ARM Cortex-M3嵌入式原理及应用——基于STM32F103微控制器(清华开发者书库)
dialThe Insiders Guide to the STM32 ARM based Microcontroller Hitex
Mostly Harmless Econometrics
Pharmacy : What It Is and How It Works
Marmiton N4 - novembre-janvier 2012
The US Army Jeep at War (Concord 7058)
Warmachines No. 4 - Israeli M4 Sherman and Derivatives
ARM 9嵌入式系统设计与应用
《JavaScript设计模式》Ross Harmes中文经典版
Du métier des armes à la vie de cour, de la forteresse au château de séjour: XIVe-XVIe siècles
Getting Started with Tiva ARM Cortex M4 Microcontrollers: A Lab Manual for Tiva LaunchPad Evaluation Kit
嵌入式系统设计基础及应用(基于ARM Cortex-M4微处理器高等学校电子信息类专业系列教材)
Human kindness and the smell of warm croissants : an introduction to ethics
Schmucks! Our Favorite Fakes, Frauds, Lowlifes, Liars, the Armed and Dangerous, and Good Guys Gone Bad
Modelling the US Army M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank