GPU Parallel Program Development Using CUDA
The CUDA Handbook; A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming – Addison-Wesley Pearson
GPU parallel program development using CUDA
CUDA Programming Guide Version 1.1
Cuda Application Design and Development
Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 1 Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Supervised Feedforward Networks
CUDA for Engineers. An Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Computing
CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers: Best Practices for Efficient CUDA Fortran Programming
Zioła czynią cuda: Lecznicza moc ziół
Основы программирования на CUDA : учебно-методическое пособие
CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming
Введение в программирование на гибридных суперкомпьютерах по технологии Nvidia CUDA
Технология CUDA в примерах введение в программирование графических процессоров
Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C volume 2 Autoencoding in the Complex Domain
Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 3