Ext JS 4 Web Application Development Cookbook - Stuart Ashworth and Andrew Duncan
OpenCV 3 computer vision application programming cookbook recipes to help you build computer vision applications that make the most of the popular C++ library OpenCV 3
OpenCV 3 computer vision application programming cookbook recipes to help you build computer vision applications that make the most of the popular C++ library OpenCV 3
Active Directory CookbookTM 3rd Edition - Laura E. Hunter and Robbie Allen
OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, 2nd Edition: Over 100 recipes to successfully set up and manage your OpenStack cloud environments with complete coverage of Nova, Swift, Keystone, Glance, Horizon, Neutron, and Cinder
OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, 2nd Edition: Over 100 recipes to successfully set up and manage your OpenStack cloud environments with complete coverage of Nova, Swift, Keystone, Glance, Horizon, Neutron, and Cinder