Herbs and Natural Supplements An evidence based guide
Legal Argumentation and Evidence
Physical Illness and Schizophrenia: A Review of the Evidence
Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality
Evidence for the Continuous Creation of the Common Elements Out of Positive and Negative Electrons
Ageing and Pension Reform Around the World: Evidence from Eleven Countries
Pen, Ink, & Evidence: A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector, and Document Detective
Hard Evidence - Bukti Kuat
The Living Evidence of Sexual Violence Against Women in Hong Kong: A Retrospective Study of RainLily’s Crisis Services (2000-2018)
The portfolio diet for cardiovascular disease risk reduction : an evidence based approach to lower cholesterol through plant food consumption
Oncology: An Evidence-Based Approach (Chang, Oncology)
Physical Evidence for Ritual Acts, Sorcery and Witchcraft in Christian Britain
Ageing and pension reform around the world: evidence from eleven countries
The Book of Evidence
Recovery from Schizophrenia: Etiological Models and Evidence-Based Treatments