LInutile Beauté : LInutile Beauté - Le Champ doliviers - Mouche - Souvenir dun canotier - Le Noyé - LÉpreuve - Le Masque - Un Portrait - LInfirme - Les Vingt-cinq francs de la supérieure - Un Cas de divorce - Qui sait?
Un médecin au bout du monde - Une infirmière à conquérir
The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook: Exclusive Cases and Problems for Interviews at Top Consulting Firms
Hardware/Firmware Interface Design
Managing People in Entrepreneurial Organizations (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth) (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence ... Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth)
Understanding Economic Growth : A Macro-Level, Industry-Level, and Firm-Level Perspective (Portuguese Edition): Compreender o Crescimento EconóMico.
Measuring the Competitive Fitness of Global Firms 2002 (Financial Times Executive Briefings)