Moebius 3: The Airtight Garage (Epic Graphic novel)
Spark GraphX 实战
Selected readings in mammalogy: Selected from the original literature and introduced with comments (Monograph Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas)
趣味地理 (Interesting Geography)
Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker: Part Four; Biography and Antiquarian Literature : IV A : Biography : Fascicle 1 : The Pre-Hellenistic Period
Ruth Harriet Louise and Hollywood Glamour Photography (Santa Barbara Museum of Art)
Python for Graph and Network Analysis (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
The Digital Photography Book, Part 2
Rolando Gomezs Glamour Photography: Professional Techniques and Images
Historie und Historiker in den griechischen Inschriften: epigraphische Beiträge zur griechischen Historiographie