Selected Papers on Language and the Brain
突厥比较语言学 [A Comparative Study of the Turkic Languages]
IEEE Std 1364-2001: Verilog Hardware Description Language
Kotlin And Android: Learn To Architect And Develop Android Apps In The Kotlin Programming Language
Languages Of Power In The Age Of Richard II
Latin and the Vernacular Languages in Early Medieval Britain (Studies in the Early History of Britain)
History of the English language and literature
Crop Circles Revealed, Language of the Light Symbols
The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences
Ambiguity Resolution in Language Learning: Computational and Cognitive Models
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
6502 Assembly Language Programming
The Language of Medicine, 11e
Modern Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in the Language of Business
Survey of Turkic Languages 突厥语概论 (Tujueyu Gailun)
Фан Юань Fāng Yuán 方圆(责任编辑)。突厥语言与文化研究(第一、二辑)。 Research of the Turkic languages and cultures, Issue No 1, 2
Linguistic Theory and the Romance Languages
COFFEE: The Scripting Language of Cinema 4D