The Latex companion, chapter 8 only (Higher mathematics)
LaTeX Tutorials. A Primer
LaTeX, подробное описание
A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
伯恩斯新情绪疗法 New Emotional Therapy Of Burns-latest Version (chinese Edition)
More math into LATEX
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Low Oxalate Diet Cookbook: Comprehensive Guide with 200+ Recipes to Prevent Kidney Stones and Improve Overall Health and Energy levels
Short Math Guide for LaTeX
Schizophrenia into Later Life: Treatment, Research, and Policy
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LaTeX科技论文写作简明教程 21世纪高等院校通识教育规划教材
Introduction to TeX-LaTeX
LaTeX for complete novices
Latecomer State Formation
LaTeX cookbook over 90 hands-on recipes for quickly preparing LaTeX documents to solve various challenging tasks