世界のHATANOを一日無理矢理エロ接待 波多野結衣 (MAXING美少女写真集)
Game Art Complete. All-in-One: Learn Maya, 3ds Max, ZBrush, and Photoshop Winning Techniques
Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds max, LightWave, and Maya
SMT359 - 1 - Introduction to Maxwells Equations
3ds Max 2009. 3ds Max Design 2009. Самоучитель
Tuc-Tuc - Materials, Shaders and Rendering Tutorial for 3dsmax
3D Photorealistic Rendering. Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max
马克斯·韦伯思想肖像 「Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait」
mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI: A 3D Artists Guide to Rendering
Mastering Professional Scrum: A Practitioner’s Guide to Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing the Benefits of Agility (The Professional Scrum Series)
Game Art Complete: All-in-One: Learn Maya, 3ds Max, ZBrush, and Photoshop Winning Techniques
3ds max 2010. Animacja 3D od podstaw. Szkoła efektu
3D for the Web. Interactive 3D animation using 3ds max, Flash and Director
都是經濟學家惹的禍 (Graeme Maxtons The End of Progress)
Introducing 3ds Max 9. 3D for Beginners