Number theory notes 2011-12
M303 - 1 - Number Theory
Nature (Volume 433 Number 7021 pp1-90) 433 7021
Nature (Volume 442 Number 7106 pp957-1076) 442 7106
Nature (Volume 441 Number 7090 pp127-254) 441 7090
斐波那契数(FIbonacci Numbers)
Form 3 Mathematics: Rational & Irrational Number Test (數學: 有理數及無理數)
The Fabulous Fibonacci Numbers
Remark on the Number of Classes of Binary Quadratic Forms of a Given Negative Determinant
Victorians and Numbers: Statistics and Society in Nineteenth Century Britain
Head First Data Analysis: A Learners Guide to Big Numbers, Statistics, and Good Decisions
Nature (Volume 438 Number 7068 pp531-710) 438 7068
Nature (Volume 432 Number 7016 pp421-533) 432 7016
Pi: A Biography of the Worlds Most Mysterious Number
The magic numbers of Dr. Matrix
Nature (Volume 447 Number 7144 pp507-612) 447 7144
Nature (Volume 446 Number 7138 pp831-948) 446 7138
Nature (Volume 448 Number 7156 pp839-968) 448 7156