IPython Notebook Essentials: Compute scientific data and execute code interactively with NumPy and SciPy
Python数据科学速查表 - Numpy 基础
Learning NumPy Array: Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively
Learn Python: A Beginners Guide to Python, Numpy,Pandas and Scipy
Raspberry Pi Supercomputing and Scientific Programming: MPI4PY, NumPy, and SciPy for Enthusiasts
UCSB An introduction to Numpy and Scipy
SciPy and NumPy: Optimizing & Boosting your Python Programming
《SciPy and NumPy》中文精要
SciPy and NumPy: An Overview for Developers
Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib