《概率导论(第2版)》Dimitri P. Bertsekas / John N. Tsitsiklis
Bengali Indrajal Comics-V20N11 - Kanchenjungar Rohossyo
《定见未来 : 正确观察世界的11个思维模式》John Naisbitt
《软技能 : 代码之外的生存指南》John Z. Sonmez
Social Cohesion in Asia: Historical Origins, Contemporary Shapes and Future Dynamics
Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times
Carbohydrate chemistry for food scientists
《医生最想让你做的事》约翰·瑞迪(John J. Ratey)中文译版
Bengali Indrajal Comics-V20N09 - Nil Paharer Rohossyo
《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》(升级版) 约翰·格雷(John Gray) 文字版
Bengali Indrajal Comics-V26N34 - Ghomta Dhaka Rohossyo
Bengali Indrajal Comics-V20N30 - Ojana Groher Jontromanob
Undertaker of the Mind: John Monro and Mad-Doctoring in Eighteenth-Century England (Medicine and Society): 11
Candi Sirih: Kompleks Candi Hindu Berbahan Batu Tufa di Sukoharjo
John Dewey and American Democracy
《见树又见林 : 社会学与生活》艾伦·G.约翰逊 (Allan G. Johnson)
Bengali Indrajal Comics-V20N28 - Kalochhayar Rohossyo
John Knox, First blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women