Unbewältigte Probleme der Planungsrechnung: 8. Plankostentagung in Frankfurt a. M.
Post-Transcriptional Regulation by STAR Proteins: Control of RNA Metabolism in Development and Disease
煮一杯咖啡需要多少水:生活事物背後的虛擬水 Virtual Water: Tackling the Threat to Our Planet’s Most Precious Rresource
Unveiling Fashion: Business, Culture, and Identity in the Most Glamorous Industry
agosto settembre 2009
PostGIS in Action
Rembrandts Ghost
《孤单星球》独木舟 / LOST7
Grammatik des jüdisch-palästinischen Aramäisch nach den Idiomen des palästinischen Talmud und Midrasch, des Onkelostargum (Cod. Socini 84) und der jerusalemischen Targume zum Pentateuch
Almost Perfect
5 3 1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System to Increase Raw Strength
Practical DevOps: Harness the Power of DevOps to Boost Your Skill Set and Make Your IT Organization Perform Better
Mechanics of Microstructured Solids 2: Cellular Materials, Fibre Reinforced Solids and Soft Tissues (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Volume 50)
Apostila de programação para web: HTML e CSS
Michael Costa: Englands First Conductor: The Revolution in Musical Performance in England, 1830-1880
Top-down Approach to Risk Management and Internal Control. Issue 3, Using a Process Point of View to Reduce Documentation Costs