Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties (Cambridge Solid State Science Series)
Joel and Ethan Coen (Pocket Essential series)
Mastering Go create Golang production applications using network libraries, concurrency, and advanced Go data structures
Electron Dynamics by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (Oxford Series on Synchrotron Radiation)
Gamblers Longshot: Devils Knights Series
Confidence to Let Your Arrow Fly The Little Book of CrossFit for Beginners Ignite Strength, Discipline of the Mind, and Life Leadership (The Daily Warrior Series)
时间序列分析实例研究 Case Studies in Time Series Analysis
Session Builders Series 100: 60 Exercises for Management and Supervisory Training, Volume II Exercises 26 – 60
Ignis: Book Two in the Galactic Seduction Alien Abduction Romance Series
Fundamentals of Crystallography (International Union of Crystallography Book Series, No. 2)
Mastering SQL Queries for SAP Business One: Utilize the power of SQL queries to bring Business Intelligence to your small to medium-sized business
Game Programming Tricks of the Trade (The Premier Press Game Development Series)
The Luminaries
Alpha Theo: six-pack series book two
Using a Bayesian latent growth curve model to identify trajectories of positive affect and negative events following myocardial infarction
Management Communication: Financial Times Briefing (Financial Times Series)