MATLAB-Simulink: Analyse und Simulation dynamischer Systeme, 2.Auflage
Simulation of Dynamic Systems with MATLAB and Simulink, Second Edition
MATLAB and Simulink. Simulink® Coverage™ Reference
MATLAB - Simulink - Stateflow. Grundlagen, Toolboxen, Beispiele, 6. Auflage
Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB SIMULINK
Simulink 5-6-7 cамоучитель
Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery: Using MATLAB-SIMULINK
Modeling and simulation of systems using MATLAB and Simulink
Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with SIMULINK Modeling: And Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs
MATLAB und Simulink in der Ingenieurpraxis, 2.Auflage GERMAN
Matlab - Simulink - Stateflow GERMAN
Modern Control Design With MATLAB and SIMULINK
MATLAB 6 5 SP17 Simulink 56 Основы применения
Basic Matlab, Simulink And Stateflow (Aiaa Education Series)