Approximation by Complex Bernstein and Convolution Type Operators (Concrete and Applicable Mathematics)
Introduction to Type: A Guide to Understanding Your Results on the MBTI Instrument
The TypeScript Workshop: A practical guide to confident, effective TypeScript programming
Organisationen im Spannungsfeld von Stabilitat und Dynamik - Analyse dynamischer Fahigkeiten als Innovationsroutinen in verschiedenen Organisationsstrukturtypen anhand formaler Strukturelemente - [Dissertation]
Learn With: Angular 4: Collected Essays: Angular CLI, Unit Testing, Debugging TypeScript, and Angular Build Processes
Getting Started with TypeScript : Includes Introduction to Angular
TypeScript Notes for Professionals
TypeScript Essentials
TypeScript Deep Dive
ASP.NET Core 3 and React: Hands-On full stack web development using ASP.NET Core, React, and TypeScript 3
Pro TypeScript. Application-Scale JavaScript Development
《紅樓夢》的原型與寓意-Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber