Australia and Cyber-warfare (Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No. 168)
Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang: Design and architect highly scalable and robust applications using Go
Verilog Hardware Description Language. IEEE 1364
Software Design X-Rays: Fix Technical Debt with Behavioral Code Analysis
Psychological Warfare
EW101:电子战基础=EW101:A First Course in Electronic Warfare
The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit
《门到门时代:正在重构人类生活的物流革命》Edward Humes文字版
Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards: Philosophical Essays on Darwins Theory (Prometheus Prize)
Alan Turing: Computing genius and wartime code breaker
《与孩子一起学编程》Warren Sande典藏版
Quality Software Project Management, Two Volume Set = 高质量软件项目管理
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