Arduino Wearable Projects: Design, code, and build exciting wearable projects using Arduino tools
Imagining the Arab Other: How Arabs and Non-Arabs Represent Each Other
Adruino Wearables
Bescherelle. Arabe. Les verbes
Teach Yourself Arabic Conversation (with Audio)
Grammatik des Arabischen Vulgardialektes von Aegypten
The Arabian Nights
Write It in Arabic: A Workbook and Step-by-Step Guide to Writing the Arabic Alphabet
Словарь - Цзянь Ма معجم الصينية العربية 汉语阿拉伯语词典 Jian Ma Chinese-Arabic Dictionary
The Formation of Arab Reason: Text, Tradition and the Construction of Modernity in the Arab World (Contemporary Arab Scholarship in the Social Sciences)
Help Yourself in Reading Holy Quran Arabic
Lisan al-Arab (لسان العرب), the Language of the Arabs (Arabic Dictionary)
Treasure-chest of grammar rules · Annotated arabic grammar · English glossary
Oxford Picture Dictionary: English Arabic
al-Farabi (Alpharabius), des arabischen Philosophen Leben und Schriften mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Geschichte der griechischen Wissenschaft unter den Arabern
Arabic language Study book: Listening and writing
Picatrix: Ghayat Al-Hakim- The Goal of the Wise. Translated from the Arabic by Hashem Atallah and Geylan Holmquest. Edited by William Kiesel. Volume II