《给仰望者的天文朝圣之旅》切特·雷莫(Chet Raymo)
Chemistry by Raymond Chang
Software Design X-Rays: Fix Technical Debt with Behavioral Code Analysis
Chemistry 10th Edition Student Solutions Manual (Raymong Chang)
《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》(升级版) 约翰·格雷(John Gray) 文字版
《给仰望者的天文朝圣之旅》切特·雷莫(Chet Raymo)
3D Photorealistic Rendering. Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max
The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage
Eat, Pray, Love. Movie Tie-In
Antenna Arrays for GNSS (PhD dissertation)
《十月国度》雷·布拉德伯里(Ray Bradbury)
Grays Anatomy Puzzle Book: Think you know your cranium from your clavicle? Tibia from your trachea? Think again ...
Film Noir: Films of Trust and Betrayal (The Pocket Essential)
mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI: A 3D Artists Guide to Rendering
Electron dynamics by inelastic X-ray scattering
Learning NumPy Array: Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively
The Picture of Dorian Gray
水晶石技法3ds Max-VRay室内空间表现: 3ds Max-Vray室内空间表现