CFA Program Curriculum 2018 Level III Volumes 1-6 Box Set

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Apply CFA Program concepts and skills to real-world wealth and portfolio management for the 2018 exam The same official curricula that CFA Program candidates receive with program registration is now publicly available for purchase. CFA Program Curriculum 2018 Level III, Volumes 1-6 provides complete, authoritative guidance on synthesizing the entire CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) into professional practice for the 2018 exam. This book helps you bring together the skills and concepts from Levels I and II to formulate a detailed, professional response to a variety of real-world scenarios. Coverage spans all CFA Program topics and provides a rigorous treatment of portfolio management, all organized into individual study sessions with clearly defined Learning Outcome Statements. Visual aids clarify complex concepts, and practice questions allow you to test your understanding while reinforcing major content areas. Levels I and II equipped you with foundational investment tools and complex analysis skill; now, you`ll learn how to effectively synthesize that knowledge to facilitate effective portfolio management and wealth planning. This study set helps you convert your understanding into a professional body of knowledge that will benefit your clients` financial futures. Master essential portfolio management and compliance topics Synthesize your understanding into professional guidance Reinforce your grasp of complex analysis and valuation Apply ethical and professional standards in the context of real-world cases CFA Institute promotes the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence among investment professionals. The CFA Program Curriculum guides you through the breadth of knowledge required to uphold these standards. The three levels of the program build on each other. Level I provides foundational knowledge and teaches the use of investment tools; Level II focuses on application of concepts and analysis, particularly in the valuation of assets; and Level III builds toward synthesis across topics with an emphasis on portfolio management.

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CFA Program Curriculum 2018 Level III Volumes Box Set


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CFA Program Curriculum 2018 Level III Volumes 1-6 Box Set
